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Do you know what workers’ compensation covers?

Your job should not result in pain, but there are times when an incident at work is unavoidable. Accidents happen at work every day, and dealing with the resulting injuries may result in more stress.

Florida workers may have the option of filing a workers' compensation claim after a work injury. Understanding what this type of employer insurance covers can help if and when it comes time to try to use it.

What constitutes a work injury?

Figuring out if the accident that caused the injury falls under workers' compensation insurance coverage is the first step. The primary thought is that if you hurt yourself during the ordinary course of your workday, either doing something that is part of your job duties or at the request of your boss, workers' comp should apply.

What injuries does workers' compensation cover?

Workers' compensation carriers will want to examine your injuries to ensure coverage. The type of injuries contemplated under workers' comp coverage vary. Things like impact and critical injuries from falls, motor vehicle crash and tumbles down steps are often under the umbrella of coverage. Workers' compensation covers other work injuries such as:

  • Illness caused by exposure to contaminants
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Psychological issues

What does the insurance company need for proof?

The typical workers' comp claim process begins with the first report of injury or incident. The company sends this to the adjuster, along with any medical records regarding damages. The carrier opens an investigation, and the adjuster speaks to witnesses, examines personnel records, and may talk to the injured worker. Finally, benefits begin until the inquiry ends and a disability rating renders. The worker may start receiving temporary disability benefits such as medical coverage relatively soon after filing the claim.

Taking care of yourself after getting hurt at work is paramount to making a full recovery. Take advantage of the workers' compensation coverage your company has.